
Examples of 3d art forms
Examples of 3d art forms

The earliest known evidence of ‘artistic behaviour’ is of human body decoration, including skin colouring with ochre and the use of beads, although both may have had functional origins.

examples of 3d art forms

The origins of art are therefore much more ancient and lie within Africa, before worldwide human dispersal. The 2D and 3D art forms that were created by Upper Palaeolithic Europeans at least 30 000 years ago are conceptually equivalent to those created in recent centuries, indicating that human cognition and symbolling activity, as well as anatomy, were fully modern by that time.

examples of 3d art forms

The components of art include colour, pattern and the reproduction of visual likeness. Creating visual art is one of the defining characteristics of the human species, but the paucity of archaeological evidence means that we have limited information on the origin and evolution of this aspect of human culture.

Examples of 3d art forms